Congratulations to State Social Studies Fair 3rd place winners Ella Conner, Bristol Persinger, and Aria Buckland from Hinton Area Elementary School!

Mr. Sampson's 6th grade math classes have completed a workplace simulation linking math skills to the real world as they renovate the courtyard at SCCHS.

Ms. Joede Weikle's 10th grade Biology students dissected frogs today. This learning activity gave the students an opportunity to learn more about the internal structures of a complex organism. Pictured is Ms. Weikle with students Will Sears, Brandan Isaac, and Lawson Jones.

Summers County Schools welcomed State Superintendent Clayton Burch, Dr. Carla Warren, and State Teacher of the Year Finalist Kennedy Moore to discuss the Grow Your Own initiative to develop future teachers.

We wish our students, parents, and staff a fun and restful spring break! We look forward to seeing you on Monday April 25!

Employment opportunities are available in the Summers County Schools Transportation Department. For information call (304) 466-6017.

Thank you to academic mentors Cindy Wilson and Greg Minter for presenting to the Board of Education regarding progress made this school year. Their work with SCCHS teachers is leading to greater student achievement!

Congratulation to Hinton Area Elementary students who submitted projects for the Literacy Fair!

Congratulations to Karen Hostetter, Financial Secretary at Summers County High, for being named NUSkool Scholars Employee of the Month! L-R: Danielle Richmond, Karen Hostetter, and Principal Al Hudgins

Shout out to our cooks! They worked so hard during the pandemic to keep our kids fed, and are still working hard every day to provide 2 meals a day! Show your appreciation every time you see one!

Congratulations to Caden Lasley, a 7th grade student at Summers County Comprehensive High School, for winning 1st place at both the county and regional social studies fair. He heads to the state social studies fair on April 29th.

Summer Sole/STEM Camp information and application

Ms. Crabtree and Ms. Cales' Pre-K class is getting the green houses ready for spring planting.

It's a beautiful Monday morning at Talcott Elementary!

Congratulations to Aria Buckland, Bristol Persinger, and Ella Conner, 3rd grade students at Hinton Area Elementary, for winning 1st place at both the county and regional social studies fair. They head to the state social studies fair on April 29th. Great job girls!

Congratulations to Jackie Persinger, Pre-K teacher at Hinton Area, for obtaining a $985 Math4Life grant!

Congratulations to John Ramsey, 2nd grade teacher at Talcott, for obtaining an $850 Math4Life grant!

Congratulations to Jackie Persinger, Pre-K teacher at Hinton Area, for obtaining a $985 Math4Life grant!

Congratulations to Ms. Ellen Holt for winning a $1,000 Math4Life grant!

Congratulations to Teacher of the Year Candidates: Amanda Wheeler, Haley Lane, Jessica Cook, Ellen Holt, Jessica Collins, and Melanie Miklos.