Enrollment information: 
  Any student needing to enroll at JBE for the 2022-23 school year may do so on the dates/times listed below. If those dates do not work, you can contact Dr. Green by email or Facebook messenger to arrange a specific time. Remember PreK students must be 4 by July 1 and Kindergarten must be 5 by July 1.  If your child is new to the WV school system, please bring a birth certificate, social security card, and immunization records.   If you have any questions, please email Dr. Green at klgreen@k12.wv.us. 

July 25: 1pm-4pm
August 4: 1pm-4pm 
August 10 and 11: 1pm-4pm
August 16: 1pm-4pm
August 18: 9am-3pm
August 19: 1pm-3pm